Event & alert

Getting a list of alerts

Filter for getting all secrets, first page of results, return 10 results.


POST https://[hostname]/api/public/alert/search

Called with bearer token.

Request body

    "filters": [
            "id": "alert_type",
            "value": [
            "op": "EQ",
            "exact_match": true
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1


Success: 200

Set of 10 alert objects.

Getting alerts for a specific set of repos

Filter for getting all secrets in a set of repos, first page of results, return 10 results.


POST https://[hostname]/api/public/alert/search

Called with bearer token.

Request body

    "filters": [
            "id": "alert_type",
            "value": [
            "op": "EQ",
            "exact_match": true
            "id": "url",
            "value": [
                "git://github.com/bludemogh/myfirstrepo.git", "git://github.com/bludemogh/myotherrepo.git"
            "op": "EQ",
            "exact_match": true
    "limit": 100,
    "page": 1


Success: 200

Set of 10 alert objects in the specified repos.

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