Generate an app password or personal access token (PAT) in Bitbucket

In order for BluBracket to access information within a given repository, an App Password (Bitbucket Cloud) or Personal Access Token (Bitbucket Server) must be uploaded into the tenant. An administrator for the Bitbucket account can create a new password or token by taking the following steps:

Bitbucket Cloud

  • For Bitbucket Cloud, once logged in to Bitbucket select Personal Settings → App Passwords. You should end up at a URL similar to the following:

  • Select Create app password

  • Provide a label

  • Select the following permissions

Permissions to select for the PAT

Bitbucket server

  • For Bitbucket Server, once logged into the Bitbucket interface, select Manage Account → Personal access tokens. You should end up at a URL similar to the following: https://serverURL /plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage

  • Select Create a token

  • Provide a Token name

  • Select the following permissions

Permissions for Bitbucket Server

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