Configure Azure AD

BluBracket supports single sign-on and federated identity services with Azure Active Directory using SAML. This article covers configuring the BluBracket app in Azure AD, configuring the Azure AD SAML federation in BluBracket, and managing users.

Once single sign-on is configured as described below, authentication, passwords, and two-factor authentication are managed and configured in Azure AD.

However, users must be registered in both BluBracket and Azure AD. Removing a user from either Azure or BluBracket will terminate their access to BluBracket. Additionally, the email address for each user in BluBracket must match the email address in Azure AD.

BluBracket requires an email attribute in order to successful identify and authenticate users; BluBracket looks for this value from the SAML identity claim

Register the BluBracket app in Azure Active Directory

  1. Login to Azure AD as an Administrator
  2. Select the Azure Active Directory service
    azure ad screenshot
  3. Select Enterprise applications
    enterprise applications screenshot
  4. Select + New application
    add application
  5. Select Application you’re developing
    add application you developing
  6. Select the link Ok, take me to App Registrations to register my new application
    add your application
  7. Select + New registration.
    add application registration
  8. Register the Application
    1. App name: BluBracket
    2. Select the appropriate radio button for who can use this application
    3. Specify the Redirect URI
      1. Type: Web
      2. URI: (Be sure to replace TENANT_NAME with the name of your tenant name provided by BluBracket)
    4. Select Register
      register application

Get the federation metadata document URL from Azure AD

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory portal .
  2. Under Manage, select App registrations, and then select Endpoints in the top menu, then copy and save the Federation metadata document.
    federation metadata document
  3. Select the BluBracket application
    select blubracket application
  4. Copy and save the Application (client) ID
    application client id

Set the SAML federation metadata document URL and client ID in BluBracket

  1. Navigate to (Be sure to replace TENANT_NAME with the name of your tenant name provided by BluBracket).
  2. Enter the federation metadata document URL.
    blubracket sso
  3. Enter the Application (client) ID from step 15
    blubracket authentication

Grant permissions to users in Azure AD to use BluBracket

  1. Navigate to Enterprise applications in the Azure portal.
    enterprise applications
  2. Select the BluBracket application
    blubracket application
  3. Add users:
    add user
    1. Select Users and groups, and then select Add user.
    2. On Add Assignment, select Users and groups to open the Users and groups selection list.
    3. Select as many groups or users as you want, then click or tap Select to add them to the Add Assignment list. You can also assign a role to a user at this stage.
    4. Select Assign to assign the users or groups to the selected enterprise application

Add users in BluBracket

Tenant administrators must add users to their BluBracket tenant prior to login via single sign-on. Full details are here .

blubracket add user

Test the Azure AD/SAML configuration

Open in a new private browser window or open a different browser to test the Single Sign-on changes (Be sure to replace TENANT_NAME with the name of your tenant name provided by BluBracket). The login page should automatically redirect to Azure AD, if Azure AD authentication is successful, the user will then be redirected back to BluBracket and logged into the tenant.

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