Configure Ping Identity

BluBracket supports single sign-on and federated identity services with Ping using SAML. This article covers configuring the BluBracket app in Ping, configuring the Ping SAML federation in BluBracket, and managing users.

Once single sign-on is configured as described below, authentication, passwords, and two-factor authentication are managed and configured in Ping.

However unless role based access is enabled, users must be registered in both BluBracket and Ping. Removing a user from either Ping or BluBracket will terminate their access to BluBracket. Additionally, the email address for each user in BluBracket must match the email address in Ping.

BluBracket requires an email attribute in order to successful identify and authenticate users; BluBracket looks for this value from the SAML identity claim

Register the BluBracket app in Ping

  1. Login to Ping as an Administrator

  2. Click Connections

    ping saml settings screenshot

  3. Click + Add Application

    ping saml settings screenshot

  4. Click the Web App application type

    ping saml settings screenshot

  5. Choose configure SAML

    ping saml settings screenshot

  6. Add the company name and click next

    ping saml settings screenshot

  7. Enter the ACS url for your account:

    • (be sure to replace your-account-name)
      ping saml settings screenshot
  8. Scroll down and input the following fields and then click save and continue:

    • Entity Id: (be sure to replace your-account-name)

    • Assertion Validity Duration: 3600

    • Target Application URL: (be sure to replace your-account-name)

      ping saml settings screenshot

  9. Under Attribute Mapping choose Username and click Save and Close

    ping saml settings screenshot

  10. Toggle the new app as active

    ping saml settings screenshot

  11. Add users

    ping saml settings screenshot

  12. In the new application, click Compliance and copy the IDP Metadata URL listed

    ping saml settings screenshot

Register the Ping configuration within BluBracket

In BluBracket, click the settings icon on the left nav, then click the SSO & Identity Management in the settings nav and paste the url into the input. Finally, click outside of the input for the settings to take effect.

ping saml settings screenshot

Add users in BluBracket

Tenant administrators must add users to their BluBracket tenant prior to login via single sign-on. Full details are here .

Test the Ping/SAML configuration

Open in a new private browser window or open a different browser to test the Single Sign-on changes (Be sure to replace your-account-name with the name of your account name provided by BluBracket). The login page should automatically redirect to Ping, if Ping authentication is successful, the user will then be redirected back to BluBracket and logged into the tenant.

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